How to add a new gift card to the organization?

Category: CFR offers the flexibility to independently generate a new gift card for your organization.

Why this feature?

  • Gift cards serve as a tangible token of appreciation, recognizing employees for their hard work, dedication, and contributions. It helps boost morale and motivation among the workforce.
  • Gift cards provide flexibility in terms of choice. Employees can use them to purchase items or experiences of their preference, which can be more meaningful than receiving a specific gift.

Step 1

Navigate to Settings → Recognition → Gift Card Program from the left navigation panel. Click on the + Create New Gift button to create a new gift card.

Step 2

Once you click the Create Gift card button the pop-up will appear. Enter the required details once done click the Add button.

Note: The redemption requests will only be accepted by the Reward Program Manager.

To make gift cards visible to employees, click on the + icon under the Gift Card Program menu and select Gift Cards.

To Redeem the Gift Card 

On the Gift Cards menu, users can use their points to buy and redeem gift cards.

Navigate to Recognition → Gift Cards from the left navigation panel.

A group of gift cards will be displayed and you can choose the gift card you wish according to your preferred Location.

On selecting the desired Gift Card, click on the Redeem button.

Once the progress is completed, a notification will be sent to the Reward Program Manager.

You can redeem the gift card once the reward program manager marks the status as Completed.

Note: Users can directly see the Gift Card Request status in the redemption history.


Related Answer Post

To learn more about how a user can redeem their points, click here.

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