OKR eBooks

Download free ebooks from our library and learn more about the Objectives and Key Results (OKR)
goal-setting framework and bridge the gap between strategy and execution.


Our Free OKR Resources


What are OKRs?

This ebook will help you create a foundational understanding of OKRs and how you use this
framework as the engine that drives your organizational success.


How to set great OKRs?

This ebook will help you grasp the OKR writing technique so you can write clearer, more
impactful OKRs that help drive real progress in your business.


What is iterative
business execution?

This ebook will help you set up business operations that allow your team to learn what
works and what doesn’t in a short time so that you can accomplish more efficiently.


What is the Best
Implementation Methodology for OKRs?

Learn how to organize OKRs with implementation stages, a suggested quarterly calendar,
and tips for cultivating a learning culture.

Financial KPIs

Financial KPIs and Metrics

Download this Finance KPIs eBook to know how Finance KPIs measure the financial
performance of your business


20 OKR Red flags and How Experts Avoid

The purpose of this ebook is to help you identify potential red flags in your OKR
program and how to successfully navigate through them to avoid pitfalls.

OKR Captain

The OKR Captain Duties and

Download this guide to understand the roles and responsibilities of an OKR Captain as
an Expert, Educator, Enabler, and Enforcer.


A Beginner’s Guide to Performance

Download this eBook to unlock valuable insights on managing employee performance,
developing skills, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.


OKRs in Hybrid Workspaces

Download this eBook to learn about the benefits of using OKRs in hybrid workspaces to
drive business success and adapt to the changing work environment.


The Ultimate Guide to
Organizational Change Management

Unlock organizational success through effective change management with OKRs. Achieve
goals, drive innovation, and embrace transformation.


OKRs & Strategy:
The Perfect Combination for Business Success

Unleash business success with the power of OKRs and strategy. Discover the perfect
combination for growth and innovation with us.


Mastering the Art of Task Management

Unlock the secrets of seamless productivity and conquer your to-do list with the
ultimate guide to mastering the art of task management


8 Change Management Models for
Business Success

Explore 8 comprehensive change management models to drive business success and navigate
organizational transformations effectively.


Why Healthcare Industry Has Started
to Use OKRs?

Download this eBook to discover why the healthcare industry has embraced OKRs for
achieving transformative results.