How does KPI Extension work?

Category: KPIs

See how to enable extension for a KPI.

Let's take for example, at the corporate level of Facebook, they have an objective Grow Users with one of the Key Results “Increase MAU from 0 to 600M by December 2020”. And this key result is essentially distributed down to departmental or team or individual OKRs:

Facebook Department - Increase Facebook MAU from 0 to 200M by December 2020

Instagram Department - Increase Instagram MAU from 0 to 250M by December 2020

Mobile Team - Increase Instagram MAU from 0 to 100M by December 2020

Benny Powel - Increase Instagram MAU from 0 to 25M by March 2020

John Salazar - Increase Instagram MAU from 0 to 5M by March 2020

This is modeled and shown in the picture below.

Aligned OKRs

There are no limits to how many levels you can go and what types of OKRs are alignable with each other.

Now if you look at John Salazar’s OKRs in the screenshot below, which is the bottom most in the alignment hierarchy above, you see this OKR.


At Benny’s level, you see “1 Million” users aggregated from John Salazar.

OKR - Increase Instagram MAU

At the department level, you see aggregations going up to 10M.

Departmental OKRs

At the corporate level, since we have extended Instagram MAU and Facebook MAU to Overall MAU, you see aggregations going up to 35M.

Corporate OKRs

So, we can set up KPIs and alignment hierarchies to pretty much model any OKR hierarchies and aggregations/auto updates.

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