What is KPI aggregation?

Category: KPIs

When you have OKRs contributing to other OKRs, you may have key results that essentially are distributed down to contributing OKRs. Sales is a good example. James may have a key result to generate $10M in revenue. John and Jake who report to him may have $4M and $5M to achieve. In this case, as John and Jake check-in periodically, James will be able to see the aggregated value for his key result, without bothering to review John or Jake’s OKRs.

There are other examples where aggregation may be useful:

Lead to Deal Conversion Ratio

You may have sales reps who have different conversion ratios. But at the managerial level, you could average this up, using the “average” aggregation feature.


Let's say you have a key result to control expenses and keep them under a certain number. You will have lower-level employees who are aligned to this OKR who have budget responsibilities to have a distributed version of this key result. As they check-in their numbers, it will get aggregated up, using the “sum” aggregation feature.

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