How to imply group mentions while performing check-ins in the Key Results?
Category: OKRs provides an option to mention messages in the comment section to a group of employees using @ while doing check-ins for the Key result. Earlier you were able to mention names using @, but now you can imply group mentions while performing check-ins.
Why this Feature ?
By using this feature you can notify information and comments to a group of users at a time. You can notify using @ mentions to the users who perform the following roles:
Cascade Owners | Key result Assignees |
Rollup Owners | Members who are present as assignees in the Bottom aligned Department/Team/Corporate/Employee OKRs |
KR Task Assignees | Members who are present as assignees in the Task associated with the KR, board or workspace |
Step 1:
While doing the KR check-in if we type @Cascade Owners with any information it’ll be shared with all the Key result Assignees of the Objective.
Step 2:
Similarly, if we type @KR Task Assignees with any information it’ll be shared with all the employees who are the assignees to a task associated with the same Key Result, Board or Workspace.
Step 3:
If you have assigned any Key Result to another Objective or KeyResult, you can add @Rollup Owners in the comment while you check-in a Key result.
This comment will reflect the members who are present as assignees in the Bottom aligned Department, Team, Corporate & Employee OKRs.
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