What are automated check-ins in Profit.co?

Category: OKRs

Profit.co allows you to plot the check-ins automatically to the preferred check-in date through the automated check-ins feature.

Why this feature?

Sometimes while doing check-ins to the key results, the progress you are updating contributes to the next check-in date. You can decide the preferred check-in date through this feature.

Note: This feature is only applicable for Key Result Progress Roll-up from the sub-key results, Task Tracked Key Results, and for Key results that have been Integrated with other applications.

Step 1

Navigate to Settings → OKRs → Authoring from the left navigation panel and switch to the Check-ins tab. Choose your preferred check-in date under the Propagate automated check-ins section to update your progress.

Step 2

For instance, if you have set up the automated check-ins option as “To the next check-in date”. 

In the Task Tracked Key Result, when you complete a task, the progress will happen and it will take it as check-in for the next check-in date.

Note: Whatever the check-in frequency may be (i.e) weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly check-in, the check-in will be done for the next check-in date when the progress is done automatically.

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