What is the use of Objective Status Propagation ?
Category: OKRs
Profit.co provides a feature called Objective Status Propagation that determines the objective's status based on the key result progress.
Why this feature?
- This feature allows you to determine the status of the objective based on the key result progress.
- This feature allows the status and progress of underlying Key Results to automatically influence and update the status of the parent Objective.
- Also by using this feature the Objective Progress color code will change.
Navigate to Settings → OKRs → Authoring from the left navigation panel. On the Authoring page, select the Statuses tab. Under this tab, you can find information about Objective/Parent KR Status Propagation, including Confidence %, Status Name, and Color Code.
You can also add new statuses according to your preferences by clicking the + create status button.
You can Enable/Disable them and can also Edit them according to your preferences.
Step 2
Consider an Objective with three Key results.
The status of the Key Result is given below according to the color codes,
- 1st Key Result → In Trouble
- 2nd Key result → At Risk
- 3rd Key result → On Track
Hence, the Objective status is At Risk depending on the Key Result progress.
Objective status propagation calculation:
Status Definitions and Ranges
- Not Started: 0% - 10%
- On Track: 91% - 99%
- At Risk: 31% - 90%
- In Trouble: 11% - 30%
- Completed: 100%
Consider an Objective with three Key results.
The status (%) of the Key Result is given below according to the percentage:
- KR 1: 30% (In Trouble)
- KR 2: 20% (At Risk)
- KR 3: 50% (On Track)
So, let’s decide the status of the objective by looking at the average confidence percentage of the selected key result statuses.
30%+20%+50% / 3 =33.3%
With a percentage of 33.3, the objective is categorized as At Risk because it falls within the range of 31% to 90%.
Step 3
If you disable any of the Objective/Parent KR Status Propagations, the Key Result with the disabled status will not be considered for the progress.
Consider disabling the On Track status and if you perform a check-in, the Objective status will be In Trouble by not considering the On Track Key Result’s progress.
Related Answer Post
To know more about the Confidence % in OKR Statuses, click here.
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