How does the Strategy Roadmaps work in

Category: General now supports a comprehensive view to visualize Themes, Sub-themes, and initiatives in your roadmap dashboard.

Why this feature?

  • Strategy roadmap enables organizations to initiate and manage product roadmaps and projects aligned with the business strategy.
  • It empowers users with a holistic view of organizational initiatives, fostering informed decision-making and strategic alignment.
  • It offers a structured approach for planning, managing, and tracking progress aligned with business objectives.

Step 1

Navigate to the Settings → General → Apps from the left navigation panel. On the Apps page enable the Strategy Roadmaps toggle.

Once you enable the toggle, the Strategy Roadmaps will appear in the left panel. 

Navigate to Strategy Roadmaps from the left navigation panel and Click on the + Create Roadmap button.

Step 2 

In the Create Roadmap side panel, name your Roadmap and choose its visibility. Then, click the Create button to proceed.


  • Select the Access List if you want to set the visibility for specific users for the Roadmap.
  • Only the User in the access list will be able to view the Roadmap.

Once the roadmap is created, click the Create Theme button to initiate a new theme.

Step 3

In the Create Theme side panel, enter the Theme name and click the Create button.

The newly created theme will appear on the Roadmap overview page. Hover over the strategic themes box and click the + Create Theme option to create multiple themes.

Step 4

To create a subtheme, hover over the theme you’ve created and click the + Create Subtheme option.

Enter the subtheme name and once done click the enter.

To edit a subtheme, click on its name, make your changes, and then click Update.

Step 5 

To create an Initiative, hover over the subtheme you’ve created and click the + Create Initiative option.

On the Create Initiate side panel, enter the Initiative Name, fill in the required details, and click the Create button.

The newly created Initiative will appear on the Roadmap Overview page.

Step 6 

To link OKRs with initiative, select your preferred initiative and then click on the Associate Objectives button on the initiative overview page.

On the Associate Objectives page, select the objective and click the Add button.

The associated OKRs will appear on the initiative overview page.

Related Answer Post

To learn more about deleting the themes and sub-themes from the Roadmap, click here.

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