What are the various roles available for users in Profit.co?

Category: General

Profit.co has five types of user roles to access, manage, and perform job titles based on which the associated features and modules vary. Each employee of an organization can be assigned a suitable role based on their designation.

Why this feature?

  • Profit.co provides various roles that the Super User wants to assign to the newly created users. 
  • While creating the user you can assign roles to perform their job titles based on which the user restrictions and accessibilities apply.

Note: It is important to remember that only a super user will be able to add a new employee to the organization. The user roles are categorized as below,

  • Super User
  • Profit user
  • Profit manager
  • Profit Read only
  • Task User
  • Department Access Only

1) Super User

Note: By default, the user who signs up into Profit.co will be given superuser access.

This role is basically assigned to top-level management personnel who have access to perform all kinds of functions in the app, modules, and settings. The person entrusted with this role is powerful enough to add or eliminate any kind of actions throughout the system.

2) Profit User

Most of the employees in the organization are usually assigned the role of profit users in order to enable them to view and create OKRs and Tasks. Also, edit the OKRs and Tasks if they are assigned. The Profit Users can create OKRs and Tasks if they are authorized to create them. A profit user will have access to create KPIs, notifying the department head and champion users.

3) Profit Manager

This role is usually assigned to the heads of departments or the middle-level management personnel who are responsible for managing and supervising a team of employees. The Profit Managers can create OKRs and Tasks if they are authorized to create them. The Profit managers will have access to create KPIs.

4) Profit Read Only

The Profit Read Only user would only have access to analyze and observe the status of the organizational OKRs, Tasks, and KPIs.

5) Task User

The Task user can access only the task module. The user will have only the Task module in the left navigation menu.

6) Department Access Only

The Department Access Only users can only view and interact with OKRs related to their specific department. 

Related Answer Post

To learn the process of creating a new user in Profit.co, click here.

To learn How can super users proxy all the users in Profit.co click here.

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