How periods are generated and on what basis?

Category: OKRs

OKRs are based on periods. A period signifies a year and each year is divided into four quarters. allows you to generate periods for the coming years.

Why this feature?

  • This feature helps you to generate periods in the years or in quarters in which you want to create your OKRs.
  • You can select the generated period based on your needs by using the filter options and by enabling and disabling the generated period toggle.

Step 1

Navigate to Settings → General → Periods from the left navigation panel.

On the Periods page, you will find the Generate period button.

Clicking on the Generate period will generate periods for the upcoming years.

Step 2

You can see the generated periods in the period filter of the OKR list page.

Related Answer Post

To know more about the structure of OKR Quarter, click here.

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