How to set a decimal value for the measurements while creating a new KPI?
Category: OKRs allows you to create or edit a KPI and set values with a decimal scale.
Why this Feature?
Decimal numbers are used in situations where more precision is required than the whole numbers can provide and increase usability rather than typing the scale value in the field.
Note: Only Super User and Profit Managers will have access to create/edit a KPI.
While setting the measurement if you select the value type as Numeric, Currency or Percentage you will be directed to the suitable decimal option.
Step 1
Navigate to Settings → OKRs → KPIs from the left navigation panel, and switch to the KPI by category tab. Click on the + Create KPI button to create a new KPI.
Step 2
Select the KPI category and set a new name for the KPI.
Step 3
Set the measurement type. For instance, if you have given the measurement type as Numeric, Currency or Percentage you can set the decimal points for the value. By increasing or decreasing the decimal points you can set the check-in value for the key result in a decimal value.
Once done, click the Create button.
Related Blog Post
To learn the process of creating a new KPI, click here.
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