10 great okr-examples-software development

Category: OKR Examples.

Industry leaders have expressed their views on the developments expected in 2023, particularly in technology and business. They emphasize the growing importance of cloud-native technologies and the need for increased software quality and security. They also stress the need for existing software teams to enhance their efficiency to remain competitive and manage workforce demands.

Speaking of challenges and bottlenecks, the major concern that every software development team faces is managing deployment time which are mostly unpredictable. No matter how productive and skillful the developers are, new issues and challenges still arise. The team has to grow immune to challenges in software development’s recent trends.

Listed are some of the top OKR examples by Profit.co for the software development team. This provides the ultimate guide and tips to companies to drive goals by staying productive and, at the same time, by avoiding common mistakes.

Let’s dive into the software development team OKR examples that will help you with the goal-setting framework no matter what type, size, and scope of your product and organization.

Objective #1 Improve the release quality
KR 1 Reduce the number of bugs getting reported after a new release from 20 to 5 KR type Decrease KPI KPI # of Errors
KR 2 Increase the average number of end users testing product updates in beta from 3 to 6 KR type Increase KPI KPI # of users
KR 4 Increase code unit test coverage from 80% to 90% KR type Increase KPI KPI Unit Test Coverage

#1: Improve the release quality

Improving the release quality can help you cope with bug deduction and product testing updates in beta. With regard to software development increasing code unit test coverage can help to correlate with the parameters of release updates


David Griffin

Improve the release quality


Target Date: Q2-2023

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Reduce the number of bugs getting reported after a new release from 20 to 5

Q2-2023roger-smith decrease-icon # of Errors

20 5 10


Increase the average number of end users testing product updates in beta from 3 to 6

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon # of users

3 6 5


Increase code unit test coverage from 80% to 90%

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon Unit Test Coverage

80% 90% 70%


Objective #2 Improve the product UI/UX
KR 1 Conduct UX research KR type Percentage tracked KPI
KR 2 Identify and fix 10 UX issues to avoid multiple clicks KR type Increase KPI KPI UX Issues
KR 3 Implement 15 menu consolidations KR type Increase KPI KPI # of Consolidations
KR 4 Improve 15 work flows KR type Increase KPI KPI # of Workflows

#2: Improve the product UI/UX

Improving UI is a challenging yet exciting task with a need to make the software visually stimulating with an attractive interface that aligns with the business goals.

The following key results serve such purposes well at a reduced deployment time.


David Griffin

Improve the product UI/UX


Target Date: Q2-2023

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Conduct UX research

Q2-2023roger-smith percentage-icon Percentage tracked

0% 100% 55%


Identify and fix 10 UX issues to avoid multiple clicks

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon UX Issues

0 10 7


Implement 15 menu consolidations

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon # of Consolidations

0 15 10


Improve 15 work flows

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon # of Workflows

0 15 10


Objective #3 Improve software product quality
KR 1 Increase bug fixes from 50 to 100. KR type Increase KPI KPI # of Bugs
KR 2 Implement at least 15 stunted flows KR type Increase KPI KPI # of Flows
KR 3 Improve product availability from 99% to 99.9% KR type Increase KPI KPI Product availability
KR 4 Increase user satisfaction from 80% to 90% KR type Increase KPI KPI User satisfaction score

#3: Improve software product quality

The product quality, the process, and the project are closely associated with product availability, user satisfaction with a smooth experience, and an uncompromising security score. Focusing on such metrics can help you maintain product quality.


David Griffin

Improve software product quality


Target Date: Q-2023

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Increase bug fixes from 50 to 100.

Q2-2023roger-smith flag-icon # of Bugs

50 100 56


Implement at least 15 stunted flows

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon # of Flows

0 15 9


Improve product availability from 99% to 99.9%

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon Product availability

99.0% 99.9% 99.7%


Increase user satisfaction from 80% to 90%

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon User satisfaction score

0% 100% 82%


Objective #4 Improve product stability
KR 1 Decrease prod issues from 10 to 5 per month KR type Decrease KPI KPI # of Production Issues
KR 2 Ensure APIs response time is within 400 ms KR type Control KPI KPI APIs response time
KR 3 Decrease production exceptions from 2000 to 200 KR type Decrease KPI KPI # of Production exceptions
KR 4 Decrease trackJS errors from 30 to 0 KR type Decrease KPI KPI # of TrackJS errors
KR 5 Increase product stability from 99% to 99.9% KR type Increase KPI KPI Product stability

#4: Improve the release quality

Product stability can be improved by focusing on the ability of the product to function continuously over a period of time without any error. And the examples given below can help you achieve such goals with successful results.


David Griffin

Improve product stability


Target Date: Q2-2023

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Decrease prod issues from 10 to 5 per month

Q2-2023roger-smith decrease # of Production Issues

10 5 7


Ensure APIs response time is within 400 ms

Q2-2023roger-smith control-icon APIs response time

600 ms 200 ms 388 ms


Decrease production exceptions from 2000 to 200

Q2-2023roger-smith decrease # of Production exceptions

2K 200 722


Decrease trackJS errors from 30 to 0

Q2-2023 roger-smith decrease # of TrackJS errors

30 0 10


Increase product stability from 99% to 99.9%

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon Product stability

99.0% 99.9% 0%


Objective #5 Expand our product functionality through integration with other solutions
KR 1 Enhance and improve 5 existing integrations from 2 to 5 KR type Increase KPI KPI # of Integrations
KR 2 Release top 5 new integration solutions KR type Increase KPI KPI # of Integrations
KR 3 Release 10 SSO integration KR type Increase KPI KPI # of SSO Integrations
KR 4 Increase user satisfaction from 80% to 90% KR type Increase KPI KPI User satisfaction score

#5: Expand our product functionality through integration with other solutions

Integrating the product with other definite solutions at the market can help you combine various platforms into unified software architecture to increase functionality and improve the convenience of customers.

Definitely, you need KRs that improve and enhance integration solutions.


David Griffin

Expand our product capabilities through integration with other solutions


Target Date: Q2-2023

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Enhance and improve 5 existing integrations from 2 to 5

Q2-2023roger-smith increase-icon # of Integrations

2 5 4


Release top 5 new integration solutions

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon # of Integrations

0 5 4


Release 10 SSO integration

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon # of SSO Integrations

0 10 6


Increase user satisfaction from 80% to 90%

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon User satisfaction score

80.0% 90.0% 86.6%


Objective #6 Build a world-class product team
KR 1 Hire 5 highly skilled software engineers KR type Increase KPI KPI New software
KR 2 Increase well-being program from 1 to 3 for team members KR type Increase KPI KPI # of team members
KR 3 Increase competency rating for software engineers from 70 to 90 KR type Increase KPI KPI Competency rating

#6: Build a world-class product team

Building an efficacious product team that would deliver world-class skilled developmental milestones would certainly contribute to the overall growth of the company. Focusing on the soft skills and well-being of the team members is an added advantage.


David Griffin

Build a world-class product team


Target Date: Q2-2023

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Hire 5 highly skilled software engineers

Q2-2023roger-smith flag-icon New software

0 5 3


Increase well-being program from 1 to 3 for team members

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon # of team members

1 3 2


Increase competency rating for software engineers from 70 to 90

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon Competency rating

70 90 80


Objective #7 Improve business continuity (BCP)
KR 1 Ensure there are zero data breach incident in the application and in the infrastructure KR type Control KPI KPI Data breach incidents
KR 2 Reduce SLA violations for production applications from 5 to 2 KR type Decrease KPI KPI SLA violations
KR 3 Increase application availability from 99% to 99.9% KR type Increase KPI KPI Application availability

#7: Improve business continuity (BCP)

The organization’s ability to withstand environmental, operational and developmental risks and disasters by preventing interruption to business operations, meeting customer needs and product developmental delays, and surviving the challenges with the aim to improve business operations availability, efficiency and customer satisfaction. Following is a sample Objective and Keys Results for achieving your BCP goals.


David Griffin

Improve business continuity (BCP)


Target Date: Q2-2023

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Ensure there are zero data breach incident in the application and in the infrastructure

Q2-2023roger-smith control-icon Data breach incidents

2 -2 0


Reduce SLA violations for production applications from 5 to 2

Q2-2023 roger-smith decrease-icon SLA violations

2 5 3


Increase application availability from 99% to 99.9%

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon Application availability

99.0% 99.9% 99.7%


Objective #8 Engage mobile users
KR 1 Launch 3 voice assistant integrations (Siri, Google Assistant, & Cortana) KR type Task tracked KPI
KR 2 Increase Android & iOS installs from 500 to 2000 KR type Increase KPI KPI # of Installs
KR 3 Increase app store and play store rating from 4.2 to 4.5 KR type Increase KPI KPI Play store rating

#8: Engage mobile users

App engagement and user retention on the critical criteria to convert a curious first time user into a regular user and key results focusing on that will help you engage maximum number of users with higher retention rate.


David Griffin

Engage mobile users


Target Date: Q2-2023

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Launch 3 voice assistant integrations (Siri, Google Assistant, & Cortana)

Q2-2023roger-smith tasktracked Task tracked

0% 100% 61%


Increase Android & iOS installs from 500 to 2000

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon # of Installs

500 2K 1.36K


Increase app store and play store rating from 4.2 to 4.5

Q2-2023 roger-smith increase-icon Play store rating

4.2 4.5 4.4


Objective #9 Reduce the software development cycle time (SDLC)
KR 1 Increase the sprint velocity of the software development team from 15 points to 25 points. KR type Control KPI KPI Sprint velocity
KR 2 Reduce the average volume of bugs per release from 15 to 5. KR type Decrease KPI KPI Volume of bugs
KR 3 Decrease the average Q/A code evaluation time by 50% KR type Decrease KPI KPI Code evaluation time

#9: Reduce the software development cycle time (SDLC)

As long as you manage and stay committed to reducing the time taken from production to release, you can focus on delivering the product on time, concerning the client’s suggestions and demands. Framing such key results can increase your efficiency for timely delivery.


David Griffin

Reduce the software development cycle time (SDLC)


Target Date: Q2-2023

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Increase the sprint velocity of the software development team from 15 points to 25 points.

Q2-2023roger-smith control-icon Sprint velocity

15 25 20


Reduce the average volume of bugs per release from 15 to 5.

Q2-2023 roger-smith decrease-icon Volume of bugs

15 5 9


Decrease the average Q/A code evaluation time by 50%

Q2-2023 roger-smith decrease-icon Code evaluation time

100% 50% 69%


Objective #10 Improve SW product performance
KR 1 Reduce product page load time from 5 sec to 2 Sec KR type Decrease KPI KPI Page load time
KR 2 Reduce web page image size from 500 kb to 300kb KR type Decrease KPI KPI Image size
KR 3 Maintain server resources utilization of not more than 80% KR type Control KPI KPI Server resources utilization
KR 4 Implement CDN solution (Milestone KPI) KR type Milestone KPI KPI Launch product

#10: Improve SW product performance

Focusing on Key results that build predictable performance of the product yields a functional solution that satisfies operational performance. Also, it improves the speed of the product by keeping the customer engaged.


David Griffin

Improve SW product performance


Target Date: Q2-2023

Visibility: All Employees

key-iconKey Results

Reduce product page load time from 5 sec to 2 Sec

Q2-2023roger-smith decrease-icon Page load time

5 Sec(s) 2 Sec(s) 3 Sec(s)


Reduce web page image size from 500 kb to 300kb

Q2-2023 roger-smith decrease-icon Image size

500 300 387


Maintain server resources utilization of not more than 80%

Q2-2023 roger-smith control-icon Server resources utilization

120% 40% 80%


Implement CDN solution (Milestone KPI)

Q2-2023 roger-smith milestone_kpi Launch product

0% 100% 60%



You might find inspiration in the OKR examples provided above. While starting the implementation of OKRs among your team and department may seem easy, the process can become challenging. To effectively manage this, collaborate and engage teams by distributing individual tasks, tracking progress, and conducting regular OKR reviews. Manage timelines diligently and ensure transparency and visibility across the organization.

Many leading software companies, including Google, Apple, and Intel, utilize OKRs to drive business growth and development. By integrating OKR software into your strategy, you too can harness this powerful tool to enhance performance and achieve organizational goals.

Enroll today with Profit.co and enjoy expert guidance to implement OKRs in your company right away!

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