What is the purpose behind Contributing and Non-Contributing key results in bottom-up alignment?

Category: OKRs

Profit.co allows you to do a bottom-up alignment of Contributing & Non-Contributing objectives as a key result to the target objective.

What is the use of this feature?

With the use of this feature, you can determine whether a key result outcome is helping to achieve the objective or not even when they are all aligned with it.

Step 1

To enable aligning objective as a contributing key result navigate to Settings→ OKRs→ Alignments & Dependencies and enable the toggle.

Step 2

In the Alignment & Dependencies page, in the Bottom-Up Alignment section, enable the toggle "Always add aligning objective as a contributing key result"

Step 3

After enabling the toggle, Navigate to the All My OKRs page where you want to align the objective as a key result.

Let's imagine that Magnus Nielsen, the CEO, set a target for the sales team at the corporate level OKRs to increase revenue of the corporate business as shown below. 

Step 4

Katharina, the chief marketing officer, decides to align one of her objectives "Build a high quality Inbound pipeline" that helps to accomplish the revenue goal indirectly.

Because the progress of the aligned objective target does not directly relate to a revenue KPI, Magnus decides to add the newly aligned key result as a non-contributing key result. He then clicks on the key result and the Contributing KR toggle can also be disabled on the key result overview page.

In addition, on the key result Alignments page, he can also uncheck the box "Mark as contributing."

The progress of Katharina's marketing objective will not be progressed in the corporate level objective after the toggle is disabled, and it will be displayed in the OKR list view page separately as Show Non-contributing key result.

It can also be seen in the alignment dashboard as a Non-contributing key result, as seen in the below image.

Related Blog Post

To learn more about how to align an objective as a sub-Key Result in Bottom-Up Alignment, click here.

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