How does the progress calculation Average of all check-ins divided by average of targets in control KPI work?

Category: KPIs has 4 progress calculation methods for the control KPI key result type.

Why this feature?

  • This approach ensures comprehensive evaluation by considering all check-ins, fostering continuous improvement. 
  • Progress remains consistent despite occasional setbacks, facilitating fair and balanced performance assessment through averaged calculations.

Average of all check-ins divided by average of targets :

In this type of progression, the average of all the check-ins will be taken into consideration whether the check-in is successful or unsuccessful. The Progress will happen and the final calculation will be based on the average.

Additionally based on the target date we have QTD/YTD value in the check-in slider. If the key result is in the Quarter period, It will be mentioned as QTD. If it is an Annual period, It will be mentioned as YTD. 

The Average of all the check-ins will be taken as QTD/ YTD value in the check-in slider. 

Then the progress achievement score will be calculated with QTD value based on the below formula for progress calculation.

The Progress Calculation for (At most):

The progress Calculation formula is,

>100, 100 + ( diff/target average * 100 )

For example, We have a  Key result to "Maintain at most $1000 marketing expenses for each week"

First check-in is $800     

Second check-in is $750    

Average of First and Second check-in = $775  

Target Average =  $1000 (i.e.) (1000 + 1000/2 = 1000)

Note: You have to consider all check-in values for the calculation. Here, for example, we have considered only two check-in values (first and second check-ins); hence, the target average should be calculated as (1000 +1000/2 = 1000)

Difference = Target - Average of First and Second check-in i.e., 1000 - 775 = 225 

Therefore Progress = 100 + ( 225/1000 ) * 100

                = 100+22.5 

                = 122.5%

Progress = 122.5%

QTD = $775

The Progress Calculation for (At least):

The progress Calculation formula is,

>100, 100 - (diff/target average*100)

For example, we have a Key Result to "Conduct weekly 1:1 meetings for at least 15 mins."

First check-in is 5 mins

Second check-in is 10 mins

Average of First and Second check-in = 7.5 mins

Target Average = 15 mins (i.e.) (15 + 15/2 = 15)

Note: As we have considered only two check-in values, the target average should be calculated as (15 + 15/2 = 15)

Difference = Target - Average of First and Second check-in i.e., 15 - 7.5 = 7.5 mins

Therefore, Progress = 100 - ( 7.5/15) * 100

               = 100 - 50 

               = 50 %

Progress = 50%

QTD = 7.5 ≃ 8

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To learn more about how Control KPI works on successful and distance from check-in work, click here.

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