What is OKR Check-ins Report?

Category: OKRs

Profit.co provides an option to generate reports to track the check-ins done by the employees for the OKRs.

Why this Feature?

The OKR check-ins report offers a dashboard to monitor Objectives and Key Results Progress by employee. We can also export reports to analyze the activities of the employee, such as the last check-in date and the number of Objectives and Key Results the employee owns.

Step 1

Navigate to OKR → OKR Program Status. Click on the dropdown and select OKR Check-ins Report from the left navigation panel.

Note: Only Super Users and Profit Users provided with Add-on Roles can view all the OKR Check-ins Report.

Step 2

In OKR Check-ins Report you can view the employee’s reporting Manager, Department, number of OKRs assigned and the last check-in date.

Note: You can use the filter option to view the report by searching the employee name, department, and reporting manager.

Also, you can filter out the reports by current week, month, year, and date.

Click on the  icon to generate reports of the OKR check-ins report in .csv format.

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