What is Goal Authoring Status in Profit.co?
Category: Performance
Profit.co provides a new dashboard view named Goal Authoring Status.
Why this feature?
Goal Authoring Status is an option where you can see how many Goals are assigned to each user.
Step 1
Go to Performance → Dashboard → Goal Authoring Status.
Step 2
Here you can see the number of goals assigned to the count of each employee in the format of a graph view.
We have shown a number of employees who did and did not enter goals into the system and are able to filter down for employees who submitted their goals to view approvals completed and not completed in the Donut graph view and the count of goals and employees in a bar chart view.
Also, you can see the count of goals assigned to each user under the Users List. Click on the ellipsis icon to view the Goals and other information like Target Date, Weight, Status..etc.
Related Blog Post
To learn about the process of sharing goals with others, click here.
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