How to view the completed task count in Task Tracked Key Result?

Category: Tasks provides an option to create task-tracked key results. Task Tracked key result is one of the non-measurable ways how you can create the key results. 

Why this feature? 

Using this feature, you can create a Key Result directly associated with your task. By selecting the tracking type Completed Tasks Count you can show progress based on the number of the tasks you create and complete in your workboard.

Step 1

Create a key result using the form, and select the Task Tracked key result type.

Select the associated tasks level and the tracking type as Completed Tasks Count. 

Note: You can also associate existing Workspace/Board to track the key result.

And From to To values for the key result. 

Note: You can also stretch the target of the key result.

Finally, create the key result.

Step 2

Hover your cursor on the key result and select the task icon.

Step 3

For instance, in your Workspace/Board if you are having five tasks.

And you have moved two key results to Completed status. The key result progress will be two.

Related Blog Post

To learn the process of completed task percentage, click here.

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