First Visit Metric

Category: Marketing KPIs.

We all know that first impressions are crucial, regardless of where we are. Whether we are trying to impress a date, a potential, or a customer, we want to make their first visit worthwhile – so that they will eventually return again.

But how do we know whether our website actually made an impression on the visitors or not? Will this visit be fruitful, or will it be their last? Well, there are a few ways for you to settle some probabilities.

Defining the First Visit Metric

The First Visit Metric has the purpose of tracking the visitors of your website – particularly, those who have found and accessed it for the first time. It will show exactly how they usually find your domain, whether it’s from social media and any other posts, and how engaged they become with your content.

These are two thresholds that this metric needs to take a look at: pages per visit and average time on your website. Only one of them, however, needs to reach a peak in order to provide a read.

If a certain threshold has been reached (for example, the average time spent on the domain is either engaged or not engaged), the new visitor can be sent into two categories: not engaged or engaged.

This metric is very important, mainly because it permits marketers to really understand, at one glance, which are the sources that bring visitors to their website – therefore improving their traffic.

The Traffic Sources

Every digital marketer needs to know precisely what source or channel it is that attracts visitors to their website. The web traffic sources are practically the main metrics which will show the efficiency of a particular strategy – therefore showing the progress of a digital marketer.

This metric will use Google Analytics to group the sources – therefore providing a good understanding of the traffic trends. Depending on the results a digital marketer may or may not change strategies.

Not Engaged vs. Engaged

Each business will have a different definition of “engaged” and “not engaged.” When it comes to this threshold, this can be defined as pages per visit or average time per website. Regardless of the measure that you use, you can get a decent read of the visit’s quality – and compare it with the data you received before. For marketers, these metrics are goals which ought to be passed every day – and increased with each completion.

Final Thoughts

The more a visitor interacts with your website, the higher the chances are that they will eventually return. For example, it’s more likely that a visitor who spends 10 minutes on your website will return for a second visit – at least compared to one that spends two seconds.

You may want to use this metric in conjunction with others as well. This way, you will get a more accurate read of your website’s progress – and you will know whether or not you need to come up with improvements. Marketers will know precisely what tools they need to use in order to reach success.

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