
Category: Marketing KPIs.

In today’s article, we’ll discuss about the newsletter signup conversion rate. We’ll answer the most frequently asked questions on the topic – such as why do we use this metric, and how it can be helpful for businesses.

In other words, the newsletter signup conversion rate measures the number of people that visit a website or a landing page and decide to sign up to your newsletter. Concurrently, the metric aims at measuring the efficacy of the firm’s approach in this respect, determining the performance rating. This metric is also beneficial as it enables you to test different strategies in terms of content, placement or form types on your website.

Expressly, there are numerous elements you ought to consider in order to benchmark your firm’s newsletter signup conversion rate. It is also referred to as Email Capture Rate (ECR) and, in lines with expert recommendations, an ECR higher than 2 percent is healthy.

How Do You Calculate Your Newsletter Signup Conversion Rate?

The formula is quite simple; what you have to do is divide the number of new newsletter subscribers you get each month, by the number of unique new visitors, within a fixed timeframe of 30 days. If the rate is of roughly 2 percent, this means that two out of every 100 people that visit your website have subscribed to your newsletter.

What Practices Should You Employ for Increasing Your Newsletter Signup Conversion Rate?

In the case in which your firm’s newsletter form doesn’t direct to a thank you page, then, it might be a good idea to set up Event tracking. Nevertheless, with the creation of an Event, you can track and monitor it as a goal. This simple approach can make the world of a difference, as transforming Events to goals improves the depth of reporting.

It’s also worth noting that people want to feel as if they’re in control. This is why you shouldn’t employ a submit button that says submit, and that’s about it. In truth, you should try to provide information, considering that lack of information usually generates uncertainty.

Moving on, try to get rid of unnecessary fields. In most cases, you might not need a lot of information, aside from name and email address. It’s as simple as this: the more fields you include, this will increase friction. According to a given study, when the 11-field version of a contact was substituted for another form with only 4 fields, this led to a 120 percent increase in conversion.

What Prevents Your Visitors from Signing up to Your Newsletter?

Considering that the rate of conversions is low, you might want to determine the reason behind this. To that end, constantly interrupting people that visit your website with questions might be conveyed as unpleasant. This could be one of the triggers of a low response rate. Also, as opposed to asking a direct question, such as why don’t you sign up, you might want to come up with an alternative, as why is conveyed as being accusatory.

To conclude, it’s high time to determine your newsletter signup conversion rate. After doing that, you should pinpoint the right steps you should take in order to optimize your results over the course of time.

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