Content Downloads

Category: Marketing KPIs.

When talking about Content Downloads, we refer at all the times the users of a certain website decided that the content found on it is important enough for them to save it for later.

Of course, this metric has little to do with the amount of money a certain website makes or things like that. However, it can be used by the marketing manager in order to see which of the website’s content is more important.

Therefore, the manager may decide to change the direction of focus of a certain website so that the information displayed on it will always be read and downloaded and, therefore, increase the overall conversion rate of the website.

The Basics of Content Downloads

For example, if you have an e-book available for download on your website, you can track how many times it has been downloaded. Of course, you will have a few paragraphs talking about that e-book before shoving the download button in your users’ faces – therefore, their choice to download it will be based on the information you give them about it.

The Content Downloads section is vital when making a map of your website’s hot spots. You will be able to see exactly what your users are looking for, and you will also know which sections of your website need to be eliminated or not advertised.
It’s only obvious that you’d want to advertise only the pages that generate a lot of page views, clicks, and content downloads, as those are more likely to convert for you.

Content Downloads in B2B

It is known that the content downloads metric and availability works best in the business-to-consumer segment. However, it has been recently shown that it works just as good in business-to-business (B2B).
A number of B2B marketers have done a survey in which they analyzed the conversion rate coming from content downloads. Surprisingly, the latter was able to generate leads with some of the best conversion rates – surpassing webinar registrations, survey and polls, demo requests, and even free trials.

Around 79% of the B2B marketers that have put content downloads to use stated that their lead-to-conversion rates were showing signs of improvement.

Why are Content Downloads Important?

Well, it is safe to assume that the evolution of digital technology has increased the conversion rate of content downloads. It’s true; people want something they can experience when reading a certain piece of content or something about a product or service.

Nowadays, it’s not everything about making the customer buy something – although, in some cases, that’s the only purpose of online content creators –, but to get as much information as possible to him or her.

While the masses prefer to quickly buy/ read something that they think they need, you will find out that there are quite large groups of people that would rather keep themselves informed rather than being a part of the herd.

Your website’s conversion rate might suffer if all you care about is the number of sales you’ve done in a week. Moreover, users see in content downloads the fact that the publisher cares about them and about giving them the information they need – that’s why they decide to save it for later.

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