How does user progress in the Individual Development Plan (IDP) in

Category: Performance

Individual Development Plans (IDP) help to improve the performance of high-performing employees in the organization. users can now track their progress in the Individual Development Plan (IDP).

Why this feature?

This feature allows employees to show the progress of their IDPs so that the Mentors/Coaches are aware of the status of the Plan and can close the IDP when the employees have completed it completely.

Step 1 

Navigate to Performance →Development plans Individual Development Plans → My IDPs

Note: You can also click on the Action centre to check the initiated IDP by the mentor or coach.

Step 2

The Initiated Plan allows the user to show progress in the activities proposed by his manager/mentor, and once the user progress on the activities, the status of the plan will be changed to “In Progress”.

Step 3

Once the user completes the IDP on time, the coach or the HR admin can close the IDP and take action based on the performance evaluation.

The closed IDPs can be seen in the "My Org IDPs" by Navigating to Performance → Individual Development Plan → My Org IDPs

Note: HR now has the capability to reopen closed Individual Development Plans (IDPs), offering flexibility and opportunities for ongoing refinement and adjustment as needed.

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