HR OKRs > Establish a Wonderful Employee Wellness Program

Establish a Wonderful Employee Wellness Program


In this video, we’ll create the OKR “Establish a Wonderful Employee Wellness Program”. The wellbeing of employees is the essence of the HR department’s focus, and creating an objective to integrate employee wellness into the culture of the company can promote productivity, energy, and the feeling that the company cares about employee health.

The key results we could use to measure an Objective such as this are:

    Organize 3 Mental Health & Wellbeing Activities Per Quarter

  • Enroll at least 80% of Team Members in the Employee Wellness Program
  • Increase the eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) from 60 to 80

Let’s input this OKR in the software.

After entering your Objective, you’ll create a new key result using the form. Input the first key result title– Organize 3 Mental Health & Wellbeing Activities Per Quarter– and select the target date for completing this key result. Though this key result has a number in it, it implies a series of steps that need to be completed. Therefore, we’ll select the “Milestone Tracked” key result type from the drop down menu. You can create a new sequence by pressing the plus sign, or choose from existing templates, and edit to your specifications. Each step should be assigned a percentage value that will let the team members checking in indicate how far along in the planning process they are.

Then, you can indicate if you’d like to assign this key result to another member of your team, and add any additional context. Finally, select the desired frequency for check-ins on this key result, and press create.

Now, you have a clear and specific key result that will necessarily impact your objective of creating a wonderful employee wellness program. Here are the other key results that will assist with this goal–

By tailoring your Objective directly to the needs of your company or organization and taking the time to create impactful, specific key results, you’ll be well on your way to fulfilling the goals that are important to your team, and the employees in your company.