HR OKRs > Improve Inclusion and Diversity

Improve Inclusion and Diversity


In this video, we’ll create the OKR “Improve Inclusion and Diversity”. One facet of HR’s role in a company is to ensure that all employees in the work community feel welcomed and heard. This helps improve work culture, as well as employee comfortability and satisfaction in their role. This important goal requires tangible key results.

The key results we could use to measure this Objective are:

    Ensure 100% of new hires complete online diversity and inclusion training within 1 month of onboarding

  • Increase Diversity index for Leadership Levels Directors and above from 0.1 to 0.25
  • Increase Employee Satisfaction Survey Scores Among Women from 0.4 to 0.8

Let’s input this OKR in the software.

After entering your Objective, you’ll create a new key result using the form. Input the first key result title– Ensure 100% of new hires complete online diversity and inclusion training within 1 month of onboarding– and select the target date for completing this key result. Because this key result contains a percentage goal we would like to fulfil, we’ll select “Increase KPI” from the drop down key result type menu. You can then create a new KPI by pressing the plus sign symbol, or search for an existing KPI by browsing with the magnifying glass or searching the title. Indicate the percentage you’re at now–0%– and the percentage you’d like to achieve– 100%.

Then, you can indicate if you’d like to assign this key result to another member of your team, and add any additional context. Finally, select the desired frequency for check-ins on this key result, and press create.

Now, you have an ambitious and clear key result that will make an impact on your objective of Improving Inclusion and Diversity. Here are the other key results that will assist with this goal–

Taking purposeful steps to improve an important aspect of work culture will have a significant impact with your employees and your overall company environment. Ensuring that you formulate measurable key results is an important component of achieving your ambitious and important goals.