Looking to grow your business?

Profit.co an all-inclusive Results Management Platform can help you.

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Are you facing challenges in executing your strategy?

Profit.co, an all-inclusive Results Management Platform can help you solve this

OKR Management
Strategic alignment
7 types of key results
Step-by-step OKR creation
Inbuilt OKR templates
Real-time Dashboards & Notifications
Task Management
Create and prioritize tasks
Link tasks with OKRs
Kanban & List views
Workflow management
Reports & Dashboards
Employee Engagement
Mentions, comments, and reactions
Reward system
Awards dashboard
Pulse Survey
Performance Management
HR Dashboard
Self reviews and 1-on-1s with Manager
360 Degree Feedback
Periodic Reviews

OKR Management

Task Management

Focus is the key to achieving desired results. Start tracking individual and team tasks with Profit.co – and get more work done.

Performance Management

Measurement is the key success factor to Performance. Profit.co simplifies HR and mitigates risk with real-time performance reviews and 360° feedback assessments.

Employee Engagement

Agile project management and OKRs encourages engagement from the bottom-up. Profit.co gives every employee a voice! Our newsfeed allows you to share comments and reward employees for their achievements.

Stay updated from Anywhere at Anytime

Get updated on real time progress and notified with access, from any device with just a click- on desktop, Tv, mobile and tab.

OKRs On The Go

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Seamlessly integrate with other favourite apps and platforms

Start connecting your data with Profit.co.