
Category: Task Management.

With each passing quarter, there are many questions you might ask yourself regarding what you wanted to achieve, what you accomplished, and how you hope the next quarter will turn out. The question of achieving goals might be motivating for some, but for others, it might be a sore spot. If you routinely aren’t reaching your goals, end-of-quarter conversations can be the source of anxiety.

Did you reach your goals? Are you happy with what you achieved, or do you have the sense that you can improve even more?

If you feel like you have more potential than you do productivity, it might be time to consider an agile task management software!

Why do I need task management software?

Task management tools are more than a simple digital to-do list. This sophisticated software allows individuals and teams alike to plan and complete small tasks as well as large projects with more efficiency. Organization and prioritization and the keys to a task management software’s effectiveness, and while your day-to-day might not seem like it contributes to your overarching goals, all of your everyday actions can greatly contribute to your achievement of the goals you set and plan.

Without a task management system agile enough to keep up with your ever-changing priorities, seemingly endless to-do list, and multiple collaborative efforts you need to keep close track of, you could flounder. Task management software can help you complete all types of goals– from marketing strategies to increasing revenue to targeting overall organizational growth. The day-to-day tasks you and your team complete everyday matter to the success of your company– so it’s time to start taking your task management software seriously.


Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions.

Tony Robbins

The benefits of task management software

Task tracking tools offer a wide range of benefits, particularly if you work in management or have projects you are responsible for seeing through from end-to-end. The benefits of task management software can include:

  • Improved time management: Many platforms offer automated updates, so you don’t need to manually adjust tasks while you’re trying to focus on work.
  • Improved team communication: You can often communicate with your team and schedule meetings through the platform, so nothing gets lost in emails.
  • Centralized workflow: Keep all of your resources, research, and documentation accessible in a single location, so you don’t have to waste time searching.
  • Track and adjust deadlines: Easily see how tasks and projects are progressing so you can make adjustments to stay on track if needed.

The problem, though, is that there are so many platforms out there that it’s often difficult to choose. Luckily, this post will look at the top 10 best task management software platforms available on the market today to make your decision easier.

So, read on to see what the top ten task management software on the market offer to help you get more work done.

The top 10 task management software

  2. ClickUp
  3. ProofHub
  5. Trello
  6. Nifty
  7. Wrike
  8. Smartsheet
  9. Basecamp
  10. Asana


At-a-glance:’s task management module provides you with a task management app to manage all of your tasks in one organized view. Profit. co gives you the capabilities of sophisticated software but maintains easy usability.

Key features:

  • All edits and additions to tasks are updated in real-time, so your colleagues always have an up-to-the-minute account of what progress you have made, and where certain items stand.
  • You can leave comments and responses directly in your tasks so that unnecessary communication via email or meetings can be quickly condensed, and nothing falls through the cracks!
  • Individuals and teams can create and organize tasks on department-wide Workspaces and project-specific Boards.
  • Boards are completely customizable to specific project workflows using the Stages feature.
  • Users can specify due dates, priority, and attach documents.
  • Individuals can associate daily tasks to important quarterly goals and OKRs so you always know how your work is affecting overall company priorities.
  • This helps employees stay engaged with their important work, and helps managers identify important tasks.

Who should use it:

Teams or individuals looking for a way to connect their day-to-day tasks to their important quarterly goals and OKRs can use’s task management module to help better engage employees, organize responsibilities, and cut down on messy communication via emails, meetings, and instant messaging.

For more information about’s task management software that helps your teams focus, collaborate, achieve more and it is completely free for 5 Users!

2. ClickUp


ClickUp is a platform that aims to collate the many different business process software your organization might use onto one organized platform. This includes task management.

Key Features

  • Customize tasks depending on what kind of project you want to complete
  • Collaborate with your team within tasks with comment threads and direct assignees for tasks
  • Create subtasks for larger tasks so you can keep track of every detail
  • Organize work in any layout that works best for your team and the other apps you would like to view

Who should use it:

ClickUp is great for agile teams that use multiple products or software to address their business needs. The customizable dashboards give users the power to build their platform from scratch and tick all the boxes they want to.

3. ProofHub


ProofHub is an all-in-one project management and team collaboration software with powerful task management capabilities. It is an easy-to-use tool that focuses on improving team productivity by bringing projects, teamwork, and communication to one place.

Key Features:

  • You can create tasks, set start date and due date, assign a unique task ID, add labels, create subtasks, add custom fields, and delegate to the team members
  • You can design a custom workflow to create a series of tasks
  • Team members can collaborate on tasks directly with task comments and sharing attachments
  • All task assignees get real-time updates of changes in a task with automated notifications
  • You can view all the tasks at a glance in multiple views including Board and Table
  • Set dependencies between tasks using a Gantt chart
  • You can overview the progress of tasks with reports
  • Calculate time spent on tasks manually or using timers
  • Create a shareable task link to share tasks with individuals using real-time chat
  • Export task lists in CSV format and easily share them with external stakeholders

Who should use it:

ProofHub is a great tool for teams of all sizes looking for easy-to-use, scalable, and powerful task management software. It provides you with all the features in one place so that you can work productively without switching between multiple apps. The flat fee pricing structure makes sure you do not have to pay a per-user fee. Unlimited users can use this tool for a flat fee, making it a cost-effective solution to scale.



Monday makes your goal setting and goal planning easy as it sets out all the tasks that need to be done on simple, visually intuitive layouts that show you exactly what needs to be done and by when.

Key Features:

  • helps you to plan efficiently and execute complex projects to deliver the results you need when you need them.
  • This platform has features like time-tracking, an integrated Kanban board, notifications, workflow automation,
  • dependencies, multiple views, and calendar integration.
  • It also allows teams to communicate, share files, designs, and other specifications.
  • Users can also integrate to platforms like Slack, Google Drive, Gmail, GitHub, Trello, Dropbox, and more.

Who should use it: is a great option for larger teams that have complex task management needs. When you have a project to track using this platform, or you have a team that’s working on multiple projects at once,’s interface offers a simple and intuitive overview of your team’s tasks and progress

You can also use templates to get started quickly, but it’s also easy to set up a customized workflow. Plus, if you have the skills, you can also build your apps through to support your task management process and help boost productivity.

5. Trello


Trello is a visual collaboration tool for planning tasks and managing projects. While it’s commonly used in software development projects, it can also be used by other departments like marketing, sales, and HR.

Key Features:

  • With Trello, you can define projects, their requirements, and the workflow to make sure projects are completed in a properly planned manner.
  • Trello gives users a digital board to create, organize, prioritize, and manage tasks.
  • This workflow is laid out nicely and allows you to keep on top of the task by moving the card from column to column as the project progresses.

Who should use it:

Trello is a good platform to use for larger teams or departments that need to cut out unnecessary communication. This is a free task management tool that has the necessary functionality despite it being no cost to the user. It is highly visual and customizable and allows you to drag and drop tasks easily.

6. Nifty


With Nifty, you can manage feedback, collaboration, milestone tracking, task assignment, and more to make your goal planning efforts more streamlined and efficient.

Key Features:

  • You can share files, manage documents, create discussions, and facilitate collaboration all on a well-designed and intuitive interface.
  • This lets you see all your projects and their related tasks in one location and interactively and intuitively track milestones towards the completion of the tasks.

Who should use it:

Teams who are fully remote and are sick of relying on Zoom, Slack, and endless email chains to try to coordinate which tasks are most important can benefit from Nifty’s software. This enables teams to attach all the necessary materials to tasks and communicate directly within the platform so that conversations stay where work is being done.

This digital interface allows up-to-the-minute task updates, and the whole team can stay in the loop, no matter where in the world they are. This cuts down the time teams spend trying to coordinate and lets individuals start working on what’s most important to boost productivity.

7. Wrike


Wrike is highly configurable and allows you to customize workflows, dashboards, reports, and request forms. This makes it easy to adapt the platform to your workflow depending on your needs and requirements.

Key Features:

  • Wrike has an easy-to-use, intuitive interface that allows you to switch between different views depending on the part of the project you want to manage.
  • Other features include task lists, subtasks, schedules, shared workflows, and real-time collaboration on projects.

Who should use it:

Wrike can benefit teams of five or more, looking for versatility in a task platform. Wrike was designed specifically to help managers keep all of their information and communication in a single place. The software aims to help you save time when trying to find documents or collate meeting notes. This software also supports the agile project management philosophy, so it’s easy to plan sprints with Wrike.

8. Smartsheet


As the name suggests, Smartsheet is a spreadsheet-like project management tool that has several project management features to help individuals and teams keep track of the flow of work, and ensure that whoever is responsible for each leg of the project is taking accountability for completing their work.

Key Features:

  • Features include workflow automation, calendar and card views, notifications, detail history, activity logs, and status reports.
  • This ensures that everyone on the team is up to date and nothing is missed.
  • Its Critical Path feature is its best feature and highlights all the tasks that directly impact a project, making it easier for you to manage important milestones.

Who should use it:

This is a great tool to use for teams or individuals that are used to tracking their tasks on a spreadsheet set-up and find that this simple and straightforward view works best for the type of tasks they are tracking.

This software is especially useful for managers, who can get a birds-eye view of task or project progress and create simple status reports to get an up-to-the-minute update of what is going on with their team.

9. Basecamp


Basecamp is well known for its ability to make teams more productive and better organized, which helps teams complete projects on time and with the highest quality standards.

Key Features:

  • With this software, you can easily manage tasks from multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Create to-do lists, choose assignees, set due dates for tasks, and add events with their respective due dates and times.
  • The platform’s chat feature allows for real-time communication, eliminating the need for an extra messaging app.
  • Basecamp reports help managers and team leaders see what everyone is working on to help better distribute responsibilities and keep tabs on employee bandwidth.

Who should use it:

Individuals and teams looking for a simple and highly visual task management software will like Basecamp’s intuitive UI and straightforward set-up. If your team works better with visual plans, Basecamp’s single dashboard will make it easy for team members to see who is assigned to what. Teammates can easily communicate with one another through the platform and you can avoid the endless email chains that muddle priorities and confuse team members.

10. Asana


Asana is a good choice when organizing tasks and meeting deadlines is vital. It allows you to stay focused on project tasks and prioritize them so that your team knows which tasks need to be completed first.

Key Features:

  • You can also look at tasks in different views, prioritize tasks and set deadlines, view your project status in real-time, and assess the workload of each member of the team.
  • Templates enable teams to get their task boards up and running faster and easily adapt along the way.
  • Integrations allow for teams to keep using the tools they already find useful.

Who should use it:

Larger teams will enjoy Asana’s clean and intuitive interface. If your business already uses multiple business management tools, Asana makes it easy to integrate with other software suites and brings communication, collaboration, and progress to one platform.

Top Recommendation:

With any task management method or tool, it’s important to ensure that you’re always connecting your daily tasks to your overarching quarterly priorities and OKRs. Using, you can fully integrate your OKR management module with your tasks module, creating a well-connected system of priorities and their associated tasks. You can connect your day-to-day tasks directly to your OKRs by associating individual tasks with key results. This helps you understand how your tasks are connected to your quarterly priorities.

Additionally, the tasks module allows you to create collaborative workspaces and customize boards to departments and teams can convene to make progress on recurring business processes and important team tasks. This feature creates a completely virtual space where team members can collaborate on tasks and see the status of work that impacts the entire team.

For personal tasks, there is a “My Space” section for each employee. Companies can select whether these will be transparent for team members to see, or private to individuals. This allows you to organize priorities, write detailed notes on tasks, set the priority of items, input due dates and deadlines, and upload documents and attach links directly from your Google Drive or computer files.

For more information about’s business software that helps your teams focus, collaborate, and achieve more for your success, check out our product and schedule a demo today!

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this guide gave you some insight into the best task management software available on the market today. Depending on your needs, requirements, and budget you will be able to consider any of these options to implement in your project management workflow.

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