Engineering OKRs > Automate back-office business processes

Automate Back-Office Business Processes


In this example, we are going to build an OKR to automate back-office processes. You must determine between two and five key results that help you complete this objective. Choosing high-impact, specific key results will help all employees included in this process stay on track.

Three key results that meet these criteria are:

  • Launch Customer Feedback Tool Inside Product
  • Capture Billing Operations in CRM
  • Decrease Billing-Related Complaints from 20 to 2

After inputting our objective name, we’ll add our first key result using the form. Title this key result- “Launch Customer Feedback Tool Inside Product”- then select the desired target date for this project. Next, we’ll select the Milestone Tracked key result type from the drop-down menu.

Because the progress for this key result cannot be tracked numerically, we will add in a sequence of steps that lets us know when our goal is completed. You can choose a sequence that already exists in, or create a new sequence using the plus icon. With this Key Result type, each task is assigned a percentage that will correlate to the progress being made on the key result.

When employees complete their weekly check-ins, they will be able to determine which milestones they’ve reached and adjust their key result progress accordingly.

Here are the other examples of key results that can help contribute to an objective of automating back-office business processes.

These key results are action-oriented, and have easily-trackable progress that will impact the overall OKR Objective Status found at the right of the Objective.