Engineering OKRs > Improve User Experience

Improve User Experience


In this example, we are going to build the OKR “Improve User Experience”. This objective is broad, and yet it targets a vital portion of the Engineering department’s duties. To make key results that will have a high-impact on this objective, you might draw from customer reviews or reports from product tests.

Here are the key results we’re going to use:

  • Increase Task Success rate from 70% to 90%
  • Achieve System usability scale of at least 80
  • Decrease time on task for opening new account from 5 mins to 2 mins

Our first key result will be to increase our task success rate from 70% to 90%. This is specific, numerical, and speaks directly to the user experience in the product. Ensuring that the task success rate in your product is as high as it can be speaks directly to the user experience, as well as to the functionality of the product. The target date for this key result will default to the current quarter.

Because our current task success rate is 70% and we want to increase it to 90%, we’ll select Increase KPI from the drop-down menu here. Our KPI metric, task success rate, can be created using the plus icon, can be found using the magnifying glass, or can be selected by typing it into the search bar.

You can assign this key result to a member of your organization and set a weekly check-in for your key result. Then, press create. Now, you have a metric-based key result that directly impacts a vital component of your Objective. Your progress for this key result will necessarily improve your overall objective status found to the right of your Objective, and will correctly reflect the progress of your OKR because of the direct relationship between improving your task success rate and improving user experience.

Here are two more key results that would greatly impact your Objective.

All of these key results will necessarily improve user experience because they draw on existing resources for measuring the usability of a product, and directly affect the way a user will interact with your product.

Keeping the number of key results for objectives small, and ensuring that they are impactful and specific will help you get the most out of your OKRs.