Engineering OKRs > Engage Mobile Users

Engage Mobile Users


In this example, we will use the OKR “Engage mobile users”. You might use this objective if your product is available on mobile devices. It is clear, and targets a specific and important facet of an engineering department’s responsibilities.

The key results you can use for this objective are:

  • Launch 3 voice assistant integrations (Siri, Google Assistant, & Cortana)
  • Increase Android & iOS installs from 500 to 2000
  • and Implement event tracking tool for the app

Using the form, we will first input the key result “Launch 3 voice assistant integrations”. Select the desired target date for completing this key result. Though this key result has a number in it, it has separate components to it, and therefore we should select the milestone tracked option from the drop-down menu. Remember that you can always create a new sequence using the plus icon, or choose from existing sequence templates by searching in the search bar or clicking on the magnifying glass.

You can choose to assign this key result to another member of your team by typing in their name, or browsing through departments using the magnifying glass. Choose the frequency with which you’d like team members to complete check-ins, and finally press “Create” at the bottom of the form.

Now, you have a milestone-tracked key result that specifies the different steps you need to take to complete it.

Here are the other key results that would help you reach your objective of engaging mobile users.

These three key results are impactful, clear, and all directly related to the objective, ensuring that when each of the key results are completed, the objective will be achieved.

With these three specific, impactful key results, you’ll be able to complete your goal efficiently, and drive a vital part of your business forward.