The ServiceNow business model is based on providing products using SaaS cloud computing software. It involves setting up systems to define, manage, automate and structure services for companies.

What you can do with – ServiceNow KPI Integration?

You can track the status of the reported Problems, Incidents and Change Requests from ServiceNow by connecting with a key result.

Configure ServiceNow KPI in

Note : Only Super users can enable the ServiceNow integration in

Step 1:

Navigate to Settings from the left navigation panel.

Click on Integrations, On the Connectors page, Select the Business Level tab and click on the ServiceNow Manage button.


To establish a new connection, click on the Connect to ServiceNow button.


Step 2:

Enter the Connection name, Sub domain and enter the ServiceNow credentials account and click on the Create Button to discover the connection.


To create a password from service now, login to your account and navigate to the user management and select the user name from which you want to Integrate the servicenow and click on Set Password to generate the password. Select Copy and paste while establishing the connection.


Edit the role and give access to the user.


To generate the Client Secret and Client ID and copy the code from the Application Registry, and paste it while establishing the connection.


Once the connection is established you can also click on edit or delete the connection.


Step 3:

Now create or edit a key result to make a connection with ServiceNow. After editing the keyresult enable the toggle and select ServiceNow


Select the Ticket type, State and Data range and click on Add to add the current progress.


The connection will be created as shown in the below image.


Step 4:

Now click on the check-in slider bubble to make progress to the key result. Click on the Check in button and then click update.


Note: ServiceNow supports Increase, Decrease and Control KPI type key results.