Duo is an identity management service which eliminates username and password struggle. Duo authenticates your users using existing on-premises or cloud-based directory credentials and prompts for two-factor authentication before permitting access. Single sign-on (SSO) from Duo provides users with an easy and consistent login experience for any and every application, whether it’s on-premises or cloud-based.

How do you enable SAML Authentication for Profit.co within DUO?

Here’s a walk-through of setting up Cisco-DUO as your SAML Identity Provider for Profit.co.

Step 1:

Log in to your Duo account as an admin or register with Duo with the URL https://admin.duosecurity.com/

Step 2:

Log in to your dashboard and select the Single Sign On tab and also verify on Idp Authentication Source with Duo Central.


Step 3:

Navigate to the Applications Tab, click on the Protect an application button in Protect application Tab.


Step 4:

Search and Select the Generic Service Provider with a protection type of “2FA with SSO hosted by Duo (Single Sign-On)” in the applications list.


Step 5:

Enter the information provided by Profit.co application into the Service Provider section:

Entity ID urn:profit-prod:profit-prod-sso-auth
Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL https://app.profit.co/app/loginservlet?a=authorize&appCode=profit&integrationCode=CISCO_DUO

Step 6:

Enter the information provided by Profit.co application into the SAML Response section.

NameID format urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailaddress
NameID Attribute <Email Address> as G Suite AuthN Source
<Username> as Azure AD AuthN Source
Signature Algorithm SHA-256
US region
cisco cisco

EU region
cisco cisco

Signing Options Sign assertion
Map Attributes
Idp Attribute SAML Response Attribute
<Email Address> username
Create Attributes
Name Value
username EmailAddress

Step 7:

Enter the Name in Profit.co-Single Sign On under the Settings section and click to Save.


Step 8:

Navigate to the Duo Central Tab and click on the Add Tile button.


Step 9:

In the Add Tile page, Select the Add application Tile


Step 10:

Select the Profit.co-Single Sign On in Application Tile page and click on Add Tile button.


Step 11:

Click on the Duo Central subdomain URL it navigates to the Duo Central Application page.


Step 12:

In the Duo Central application page, click on the Profit.co-Single Sign On application and it redirects to the Profit.co account.


Step 13:

Click on the Profit-Single Sign On app, it redirects to the Profit.co account.
